Profitability of the investments
We can calculate various ratios and indicators related to the profitability of real estate investments in a premium and exclusive location like Jávea: NPV (Net Present Value), ROE (Return on Equity), ROA (Return on Assets), ROI (Return on Investment), Price-to- Income Ratio, Price-to-Rent Ratio, Gross Yield, Net Yield, Debt-to-Equity Ratio, Cap Rate, Payback Period, and more.
We will study your ambitions and your strategy since each client has their priorities, and certain advantages will take precedence over others.
In any case, here are some common and valid characteristics for any investor and situation:
The property is valued at its true market value
Once the improvement works, decoration, furnishing, and equipping are completed, the property is positioned at its true market value, as it incorporates the added value by Nuka Homes.
Inflation is contained
The sum of the returns, in any situation, exceeds any inflation rate.
Return on total investment
Whether the investment is made with your own capital or through bank financing, the calculated return on the total investment achieves better indices than most financial assets.
Bank leverage
Despite the current interest rates of mortgage loans, the investment’s profitability is higher, thereby leveraging the financial leverage effect.
Return on self-investment
The self-investment will be rewarded in itself, and the differential between the cost of financed money and the gross return obtained will be added.
Annual appreciation of property’s sale value
Over the last five years, the average increase in the value of properties in Jávea has reached an annual rate of 7.3%. However, in premium areas, this rate typically exceeds 12% annually.
Potential for selling in a short period of time
With over 200 real estate agencies marketing Jávea properties, once the decision to sell is made, the execution period is short.
Enjoy your property as an owner and user
The economic value of being the owner of a special, Mediterranean, and welcoming property, which is always meticulously maintained and available to the owner, is hard to quantify.